Back in 1995 I, Mikko Rapeli, thought that a World Wide Web home page with a portion devoted to my skiing hobby would be nice. Fast forward twenty years and I still feel the same. These pages contain a log of what happens during the skiing season. From Oulu, Finland, lived in Southern Germany for 10 odd years, saw the Alps, now back in Finland.
Early bird pow and sun at Iso-Syöte
Weather forecast was spot on and I was hiking and following the path of sun, from East side slopes in the morning to west side in the afternoon. Even the screen shots look great!
The full video story:
Ps. no only human powered hikes for these, no lifts at all. 10 km journey during 4 hours.
Lunch time ski tour at Iso-Syöte
Friday and lunchtime in a ski resort so might as well do a ski tour.
And off to the weekend for more of the same... Cheers!
Iso-Syöte powder 2022
Long time no updates due to covid things but maybe this is a new start.
Winter 2022 has brought lots of snow to Iso-Syöte, Finland. I like to do small ski tours on the hill so join me on one:
Off to another round... Cheers!
Backflips 2021
About 20 years ago, like any freestyle skier, I wanted to learn backflips on skis. I did them on trampolines but wanted to learn them on skis. I though they were hard and went to the Nurmes water ramps in Finland to practice. Turns out backflips and frontflips are easy. Just takes a bit of balls and good speed on kickers to pull them off. Next winter I was doing them on skis. As years go by, I want to keep doing some of the freestyle and newschool tricks I've learned in the past. It would be very easy to let go and forget them but I want to challenge myself both mentally and physically. On a trampoline without skis, a backflip is so easy to do. It isn't really much harder on snow with skis. Just takes a decent kicker and proper speed and do it. If one has some basic fitnes, like I do, the challenge is mostly a mental one. Yes, I'm not very good with technique and I don't fully jump and extend my body out, but I can still do it. Last season I didn't, as season ended early for obvious reasons, but this season I've now done 360's in both directions, left 540's, left 720's and now backflips too. Maybe I can still do these when I'm 50 and older? Lets see..
Before first backflip, I warmed up properly and did a few speed checks to jump and fly from takeoff to the steep landing area. Then mental practice: thinking and imagining the approach towards kicker, the takeoff, the landing and whole thing multiple times with eyes closed. Finally the real thing. I'm really nervous but I know I still can do it. Even if I fail, landing belly first on snow isn't too bad, and over rotation is also relatively easy to fix by opening up more. I hired my kids to film the show, #dadflexin #iskäflexaa.
After 5-7 jumps on the small kicker, I was confident enough the next day to put first tracks on the kicker in nice morning sunshine:
Why do I record and publish these? Well, for myself as log entries. Maybe I'll also inspire others to push and try things out at 40+. Yea, I'm proud I still can do this at 44. Feels good!