Easter 2001 at Isosyöte

Moppi - sigh

Tight four pi in the big air. That's me.

Straight five pi in the big air. Me again.

Duffy cross to the flat by Jaska in the big air event. Ski dudes were so new to the organizers that they forgot us in the victory ceremony. Hmm, shall I participate again...

Hilli in the huge QP.

Väne in the QP.

Hand plant with telemarks by Mikko Sarkkinen in the QP!

Me in the QP.

Hilli again.

Pulkka masters warming up.

Nice pic from the QP

Another pulkka warmup run - Mikko S.

Jussi S.

Mikko S. starts to warm up. Click on the image for a hres version.

Backflip with pulkka - click on the image for a hres version.

Hilli again.

Me and my two pi cross - click on the image for a hres version.

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