OST freestyle 2001

These pictures are from Isosyöte. Jaska on the street's first real box.

Jaska in the pipe.

Hilli failing to grind the bench - outsh!

Jaska grinding too much on the edge.

Me with my 2*pi+X

My 1*pi+X

Jaska's two pi with no air.

Hilli is the only girl I've ever seen to do the 2*pi.

Xavier with Hilli on the back recovering from the 2pi.

Crowdy piste.

Jaska's X.

Another 2pi from Hilli. It didn't rotate so well - and just look at the scary expression on her face ;)

The whole crowd in the woods.

Jaska taking some air from a snow bumb.

Hilli doing the same - girl in the woods.

Xavier coming down.

Hilli going down and about to snow paint my camera.

Jaska doing something.

And again.

This one was a nice cliff for Jaska.

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