Mikko "The Loonie" Rapeli

My brother Jaska took this one.

Winds really picked up when this one was taken. Starting from right: me, Jaska and Jukka Kopakka.

Jaska did a great job with this one.

This one was taken by Skimba-Make.

Here I'm on the cliff right next to the hotell at Isosyöte.



And pop!
These three were also taken by Skimba-Make.

Whoop! X-files from Suomi-Finland-Perkele! Da New School??

Ruff in the humble!

Speed and aggression..



Fresh snow equals POWDER!

Fresh snow equals GREAT SKI'ING!

Fresh snow plus steep slope equals HEAVEN FOR EVERYONE!

Heli with a back scratcher


Speed in the woods

Posing for the cameras, Himos 1997 (I'm on the left and Lauri on the right)

The end of the world as we know it..

I am back on my feet again..

..and back on the air


High five

Just the bleeding of me (my nose to be exact)

Cross-Back-Heli Best of the year 1997 for me at least

Another one of my speciality



..the same

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