Lauri Kareinen
Lauri Kareinen
Lauri going extreme in Isosyöte. This part of the hill is called Linjat as you can see.
This snow covered cliff is right next to the hotell at Isosyöte.
Lauri standing at the very top of Isosyöte.
Lauri doing his routine in the bumbs.
Lauri in deep snow.
Balanced on the steep section.
Lauri powdering his nose.
Big air...
Kozak by Lauri.. Bigger air..
The biggest air in the Universe!
Cliff hanger..
X-files.. Wierd..
Helicopter taking off..
..and landing. Hehee!
..and again
Heli with a humm in the midle
Shaking those skis..
I feel so high, so high!
Free falling!
Free f.. ups!
Is it a bird?
Is it a fish?
Best shot of the year - 1
Best shot of the year - 2
Best shot of the year - 3 (I took these three in a row at Linjat)
Standing tall for the heli
This one is sick! Lauri is doing a heli but it doesn't look that way, does it?
I wonder what this one is called. A SnowBall perhaps?
And this is a SnowBall with the cross
Beautiful shot, isn't it?
PS. Lauri is studying in the Department of Mathematics here in Oulu, so he has an e-mail address. But don't tell him that I told you, ok?
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