Lyngen/Troms, Easter 2007
Seven out of eight days of skinning and skiing down the slopes with fresh snow every day. It was nice. Following pictures by me, Heinot, Björkit and Pahkalat explain the details. A lot of nice video footage got filmed too. Perhaps a short best-off film will appear here one day.
First day in Tamok.
How wet can one be? Soaked.
Too rainy so...
Morning shift going up. Our ~10 person group had two skinning and skiing sessions every day since someone had to take care of the kids.
Can't get better than this.
Sanna diggin it.
My shoes.
View to Ramfjord.
Pretty good.
Snow was deeper in the woods though.
Petteri on steep.
Me doing something.
Something like turns.
The woods.
Not too much speed.
Petteri looking for the way up.
Me and my sponsors. I did wax the skins after this day.
Sanna on wet snow.
Ramfjord view again, except some skier is blocking the view..
A small two-drop-combo next a small stream.
Mikko dropping.
And turning.
Blåtind I think.
Light snow.
This nice route I just looked up on the map.
Nice and steep.
"Hello, yes start cooking the potatoes and feed the kids. We'll be back in a few hours."
There's something about this Ramfjord...
Juha in deep.
With a smile.
Icicles at the base camp.
Same thing every morning.
Too much energy.
Way too much.
A slope?
This snow, it's everywhere..
Basecamp view. That forrest got a line or two.